Hello Axel, thanks again for this very informative article! Especially the information about Dori Media's formats, and it seems to me that only Spy Date among all of them sounds a bit original...

However, I have a question regarding the concept of "Norges Dummeste": so, actually, the core of concept is actually that the winner of the challenge is eliminated from competition and the worst one is staying until the end? That is the only twist on familiar competition here? If the concept is like that, I feel that this is classic feel of celebrity competition with the only twist in eliminating the smartest ones instead of the "dumbest" ones.... So, the "small" twist like this is actually enough for the format to become popular among world famous distributors?

Also, I remember the format "Stupid House" that won this year's MIP format pitch competition, and it felt to me rather original: celebrities are intentionally playing stupid in order to be crowned as a champions. But, also, how they could "act" they are stupid, potentially all of them could bluff they are stupid and that they don't have a clue about any challenge or question. It is hard to strike a perfect balance between challenges and them playing stupid, because it could become standard comedy show which can loose the core idea...

Overall, it seems to me that focusing on stupidity instead of intelligence is new trend in creating formats. But also, I wouldn't say that any of these mentioned formats succeed in developing this premise, and both of premises are really original and catchy. So,what do you think, is this a new trend and is there a room to create and develop better idea with the premise of focusing on the stupidity of competitors?

Best regards from me!


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Hi Djordje! Regarding Dori Media's slate I actually I did not go very deep into the formats.... I will study better next time ;)

For the Norwegian game, yes, it is just a little twist, but in these times it is enough ;) It must also be said that the participants are sportsmen, influencers and VIPs who are considered (rightly or wrongly) already a bit stupid (one contestant has two broken front teeth), so it seems a bit cynical to me, but for many people also funny. I'm not familiar with Stupid House (I wasn't at the pitch), but perhaps yes, you're right, that of stupidity can perhaps be considered a nascent trend... We shall see! Ciao!

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